Reverend Sam: Leo in his carrycot in his cot
Reverend Sam: Leonardo
Reverend Sam: Leo showing his eyes
Reverend Sam: Sleeping in his carrycot
Reverend Sam: Leonardo sleeping
Reverend Sam: Novalba and Leo
Reverend Sam: Leonardo
Reverend Sam: sleeping through his first drive
Reverend Sam: Sleeping in his car seat
Reverend Sam: All strapped in
Reverend Sam: ready to go
Reverend Sam: Vita and Leo ready to go
Reverend Sam: Leo sleeping in the darkness
Reverend Sam: Sam preparing Leo for first jouney
Reverend Sam: Entering the house for the first time
Reverend Sam: Leo showing two fingers
Reverend Sam: Leo tiny in his car seat
Reverend Sam: Taking Leo home
Reverend Sam: Awaiting final nod from nurse to say the route is cleared and we can leave
Reverend Sam: first cry
Reverend Sam: Grandma and Leo
Reverend Sam: Marina and Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo wrapped up in numerous layers
Reverend Sam: Marina, Lorenzo and Leo
Reverend Sam: Lorenzo and Leo
Reverend Sam: Leo doing his robot dancing
Reverend Sam: preparing for first cry
Reverend Sam: Leo sucking his thumb
Reverend Sam: close up of Leo sucking his thumb
Reverend Sam: sucking his thumb