Reverend Sam: church
Reverend Sam: Vita at a mosque
Reverend Sam: on the stairs to the mosque
Reverend Sam: inside the mosque
Reverend Sam: Mosque minerette
Reverend Sam: Sam at a mosque
Reverend Sam: pilgrims
Reverend Sam: pilgrims snaking down Mount Sinai after climbing all night to watch the sunrise
Reverend Sam: inside the walls of Saint Catherine
Reverend Sam: walled monestry
Reverend Sam: the fortified monestry
Reverend Sam: DSCF0893
Reverend Sam: Calling people to pray
Reverend Sam: greek orthodox monk with a shotgun
Reverend Sam: Roche Abbey Ruins
Reverend Sam: ruins of roche abbey standing in a field
Reverend Sam: roche abbey
Reverend Sam: church
Reverend Sam: Vita at the burial mound
Reverend Sam: church
Reverend Sam: Bilboa, san diego
Reverend Sam: yet another church on the streets of San diego
Reverend Sam: random street church in santa barbara
Reverend Sam: Skull and crossbones above mission door
Reverend Sam: Monks graves in Santa Barbara
Reverend Sam: Santa Barbara - history of the US
Reverend Sam: the alter in santa barbara mission
Reverend Sam: Statues inside the mission of Santa Barbara
Reverend Sam: Santa Barbara Mission