Reverend Sam: Sam at the boat race starting line point
Reverend Sam: Ehrenbreitstein castle from a distance
Reverend Sam: Us in front of the Rhein
Reverend Sam: Ehrenbreitstein across the rhein
Reverend Sam: sam acros the rhein from Ehrenbreitstein castle
Reverend Sam: Ehrenbreitstein castle
Reverend Sam: Statue
Reverend Sam: Sam at the end of the Mosel
Reverend Sam: clouds on the mosel
Reverend Sam: Koblenz
Reverend Sam: The Rhien
Reverend Sam: rays of sunshine
Reverend Sam: Sam and Jose
Reverend Sam: rays of sunshine over the rhein and mosel
Reverend Sam: Rhein and Mosel reflections
Reverend Sam: Sam Victoria Yuangui
Reverend Sam: Sam in Ehrenbreitstein Fortress
Reverend Sam: Sam and Mario
Reverend Sam: The obvious thing to find inside a german castle
Reverend Sam: milling about inside the castle walls
Reverend Sam: gathering inside the castle walls
Reverend Sam: dinner