Reverend Sam: view through the barn
Reverend Sam: welcome sign
Reverend Sam: sam milking a plastic cow
Reverend Sam: claperboard barn
Reverend Sam: barn and blue sky
Reverend Sam: vita awaiting a passing horse...
Reverend Sam: carriage without horse
Reverend Sam: carriage with vita in shadowy interior
Reverend Sam: vita infront of green gables
Reverend Sam: Sam in the woods
Reverend Sam: Vita in the woods
Reverend Sam: the love tree - with a thousand declarations in the middle of the woods
Reverend Sam: green gables and flowers
Reverend Sam: Vita at the garden gate
Reverend Sam: Sam at green gables
Reverend Sam: Vita in the doorway
Reverend Sam: crossing the threshold to a world of green gables
Reverend Sam: dining room
Reverend Sam: patterns patterns and more patterns on patterns
Reverend Sam: dinning room
Reverend Sam: vita on the stairs with handpainted wallpaper from hell
Reverend Sam: floral madness on the stairs
Reverend Sam: chintz
Reverend Sam: bedroom
Reverend Sam: bedroom