Reverend Sam: Sam in Motel doorway
Reverend Sam: Motel 7
Reverend Sam: Bargain Motel 7
Reverend Sam: Liquors and Gas (what more do you need from a town)
Reverend Sam: Route 66 speed limit 25
Reverend Sam: Memorial to the founding of route 66
Reverend Sam: Barstow main road
Reverend Sam: Boxcar bridge
Reverend Sam: Sam in Barstow station next to the Harvey house.
Reverend Sam: Sam at Barstow station
Reverend Sam: Car park full of rail stock
Reverend Sam: House of the dessert - train station
Reverend Sam: Barstow Harvey House sign
Reverend Sam: Freight carriages in barstow's empty car park
Reverend Sam: the centre of barstow - the station - no trains due
Reverend Sam: freight train just passing through
Reverend Sam: Route 66 roadside attraction - closed
Reverend Sam: City of Barstow on route 66