Reverend Sam:
Reverend Sam:
Sam as the sunsets
Reverend Sam:
Sam, 10,000ft up Haleakala volcano as the sunsets behind
Reverend Sam:
Sam stood on top of 10,000ft Volcano as the sun sets
Reverend Sam:
Fantastic shot of Vita as the sun sets 10,000ft up the Volcanic peak of Haeakala
Reverend Sam:
Vita in the sunset
Reverend Sam:
Vita above the clouds after the sun has set
Reverend Sam:
Reverend Sam:
At the top of the world
Reverend Sam:
Sam, telescopes, sunset
Reverend Sam:
Vita above the cloudline
Reverend Sam:
Reverend Sam:
Vita above the cloudline
Reverend Sam:
Part of the Haleakala telescope array 10,000ft up on Haleakala volcano
Reverend Sam:
the sun falls below the cloudline all around is dark volcano and glowing clouds
Reverend Sam:
Maui sunset from Halekala Volcano
Reverend Sam:
Sunset over 10,000ft high telescope array in Maui
Reverend Sam:
Sam in borrowed clothes 10,000ft up a volcano above the clouds as the sunsets
Reverend Sam:
Above the clouds as the sun sets
Reverend Sam:
above the clouds on Haleakala Volcano
Reverend Sam:
sun disapears below the cloudline
Reverend Sam:
sunset over hawaian clouds
Reverend Sam:
sunset from 10000ft on top of a volcano
Reverend Sam:
Sam - telescopes arrayed behind
Reverend Sam:
Martian territory at the top of the world
Reverend Sam:
Reverend Sam:
Sunset and kisses
Reverend Sam:
Volcanic ash
Reverend Sam:
sunset above cloudline
Reverend Sam: