Reverend Sam: The swirling pacific on last years forest fire'd lava fields
Reverend Sam: View from Maui into whale filled waters
Reverend Sam: flower
Reverend Sam: Humpback whale
Reverend Sam: Ko Lalo Kuilana Aloha - blessings of a leeward life
Reverend Sam: Hawaii - Aloha state (on our hire car)
Reverend Sam: wild fruit in the rainforest
Reverend Sam: Rainforest stream - each lava boulder is as big as a fridge freezer
Reverend Sam: vita in the rainforest
Reverend Sam: Sam walking through the vertical roots of rainforest trees in swimwear...
Reverend Sam: The road to Hana
Reverend Sam: in rainforest pool
Reverend Sam: Vita in the jungle
Reverend Sam: Vita crossing a river in the middle of Maui rainforests
Reverend Sam: path into the rainforest - where did i leave my machette
Reverend Sam: Wild bananas in hawaii rainforest
Reverend Sam: Wild flowers in grasslands between sea and rainforest
Reverend Sam: Wildflowers in hawaii rainforest
Reverend Sam: View over the rainforest into the pacific ocean
Reverend Sam: Sam on the road to Hana
Reverend Sam: rainforest covered cliffs on the road to hana
Reverend Sam: rainforest plants overlooking the pacific
Reverend Sam: Rainforest flowers
Reverend Sam: evebn with a machette - not sure i would be able to walk through this rainforest
Reverend Sam: beautiful flower
Reverend Sam: Vita wading across a river after descending through the rainforest
Reverend Sam: sitting on a black lava beach surrounded by rainforest in the middle of the pacific ocean
Reverend Sam: breaking waves in perfectly coloured world
Reverend Sam: The rain forest meets the sea
Reverend Sam: rivers coming out of the rainforest leading into the pacific ocean