Reva G: Serrated nut
Reva G: Penny
Reva G: There's always something
Reva G: Frosty leaves
Reva G: Dewdrop bug
Reva G: Pot scrubber bristle forest
Reva G: Seashell still-life
Reva G: Lichen
Reva G: Itsy bitsy spider
Reva G: Cloak of the midnight visitor
Reva G: Shadows vs. light
Reva G: Rock sunset
Reva G: Adventures in closet cleaning, part 2
Reva G: Adventures in closet cleaning
Reva G: Suspended ice in a tree
Reva G: Tiny tomatoes
Reva G: Come out of it
Reva G: Grater things
Reva G: Sliced
Reva G: Light box tiny beads
Reva G: Elbows
Reva G: Happy 50th birthday, Canada flag
Reva G: found 'em
Reva G: three shirts to the wind
Reva G: Dandy
Reva G: Brown Sugar
Reva G: I found them
Reva G: Towel Landscape
Reva G: Mutant Goldfish Berry
Reva G: Millennium Line 49c stamp