returnoftheunicorn: someone turned my bathroom into a seedy motel/prostitution haven while i was gone
returnoftheunicorn: these creeps were hanging out in my kitchen when i got back from vacation
returnoftheunicorn: the worst part is the one on the right looks vaguely like my late grandfather.
returnoftheunicorn: schhhnuggggles
returnoftheunicorn: mootie theresa
returnoftheunicorn: aaaaaaaahahaha
returnoftheunicorn: me and my baby
returnoftheunicorn: put a little shoulder in it
returnoftheunicorn: she's trying to kill us
returnoftheunicorn: unparalled mootness
returnoftheunicorn: you are kidding
returnoftheunicorn: baby hansie
returnoftheunicorn: exiting now!!!