0815Knipser: Flipper 1
0815Knipser: Flipper 2
0815Knipser: backlighting
0815Knipser: "Letzte" Trauben
0815Knipser: morning dew
0815Knipser: natural reflections
0815Knipser: Pumpkin for Halloween
0815Knipser: SeptEmber
0815Knipser: SeptEmber
0815Knipser: SeptEmber
0815Knipser: Drei Engel
0815Knipser: Just old shoes - Old Stile
0815Knipser: bunch of grapes
0815Knipser: Moving
0815Knipser: Bushmills and the old book
0815Knipser: light or tone
0815Knipser: give me your hand
0815Knipser: Go this Way
0815Knipser: Another Wort in the Wall
0815Knipser: Frohe Weihnachten
0815Knipser: It's time to fetch the christmas tree