retroppo: Wilsons Prom Lighthouse
retroppo: The accommodation we stayed in
retroppo: At the top of the lighthouse, looking to the west
retroppo: Facing West from the top of the Lighthouse
retroppo: Out buildings at the Lighthouse
retroppo: Where we walked to get to the Lighthouse
retroppo: Where we stayed
retroppo: The Wilson's Prom Lighthouse
retroppo: Sunrise at the Wilson's Prom Lighthouse
retroppo: The Wilson's Prom Lighthouse at sunrise
retroppo: Our walking group at the Lighthouse
retroppo: Our walking group
retroppo: Me at the Light house
retroppo: Kellie & I at the Lighthouse
retroppo: Kellie & I Wilson's Prom Lighthouse
retroppo: Down the steep driveway of the lighthouse
retroppo: Di & Kellie at Skull rocks
retroppo: A fern gully on the track to Waterloo Bay
retroppo: A babbling brook
retroppo: Walking further away from the Lighthouse
retroppo: The Lighthouse, away in the distance
retroppo: Waterloo Bay, Wilson's Prom
retroppo: Waterloo Bay
retroppo: Waterloo Bay beach
retroppo: The whales waving to us!
retroppo: A visit from two whales
retroppo: Beautiful Waterloo Bay beach
retroppo: Rocky outcrops in an ever changing landscape