retrophisch: Samuel leans on Mom.
retrophisch: Samuel
retrophisch: Nathaniel likes Mom's necklace.
retrophisch: Nathaniel and Mom share a laugh.
retrophisch: Nathaniel
retrophisch: Nathaniel with Mom and Dad.
retrophisch: The family
retrophisch: Nathaniel and Dad
retrophisch: Samuel, Dad and Nathaniel
retrophisch: Nathaniel getting tickled by off-camera, big brother Davis.
retrophisch: The Boys
retrophisch: Davis and Sam
retrophisch: Nathaniel loves his big brother Davis.
retrophisch: Triple Trouble
retrophisch: Watching off-camera Dad act goofy.
retrophisch: Nathaniel claps Davis' hands.
retrophisch: Mom and her boys.
retrophisch: Mom asks for a kiss.
retrophisch: Sam I Am is off to explore.
retrophisch: Davis and Dad