WOOF Factory:
The baby sleeps
WOOF Factory:
Lena at the vet
WOOF Factory:
Vegas enjoying the sunshine on the patio
WOOF Factory:
Loki and Lena at the vet
WOOF Factory:
Retro Lena with her fuzzy football
WOOF Factory:
What you lookin' at?
WOOF Factory:
Duke looking very 1972
WOOF Factory:
I love Loki.
WOOF Factory:
Duke & Purple
WOOF Factory:
Simon Estes Riverfront Amphitheater
WOOF Factory:
Conehead Duke
WOOF Factory:
WOOF Factory:
Fubar Bus
WOOF Factory:
Little Woof
WOOF Factory:
WOOF Factory Mascot Johnny Gato
WOOF Factory:
Bad Kitty
WOOF Factory:
Johnny Gato is punker than you.