WOOF Factory: Takoda & Catori
WOOF Factory: Husky Mix
WOOF Factory: Vegas and Takoda
WOOF Factory: Serious Takoda
WOOF Factory: Where's Takoda?
WOOF Factory: Adorable
WOOF Factory: Takoda's paw
WOOF Factory: Takoda
WOOF Factory: Takoda and her painting
WOOF Factory: Catori and Takoda
WOOF Factory: Almost nap time
WOOF Factory: Crazy Catori
WOOF Factory: Hydrants are for huskies
WOOF Factory: No pets??? Takoda says "WTF???"
WOOF Factory: Takoda's ferret impression
WOOF Factory: Howl-o pleased to meet you
WOOF Factory: Sunshine cannot bleach the snow, Nor time unmake what poets know
WOOF Factory: “Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.”
WOOF Factory: This snow is COLD!
WOOF Factory: Snow dancing in 14"!
WOOF Factory: The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
WOOF Factory: Squirrel Patrol
WOOF Factory: Takoda
WOOF Factory: Takoda post-scooter run - TIRED FINALLY!
WOOF Factory: Takoda
WOOF Factory: Muddy Puppy!
WOOF Factory: Look, there's mud on my chin too!
WOOF Factory: Sandy Whiskers
WOOF Factory: Zen Master
WOOF Factory: Sand Dog