retoid: rusted sand blasted frame
retoid: rust
retoid: IMG_2189
retoid: sanded
retoid: primed
retoid: fully primed
retoid: IMG_2200
retoid: first layer of paint
retoid: IMG_2217
retoid: second layer of paint
retoid: IMG_2517
retoid: IMG_2515
retoid: third layer of paint
retoid: starting the headbadge
retoid: IMG_2523
retoid: head badge layer 1
retoid: head badge layer 2
retoid: head badge layer 3
retoid: IMG_2533
retoid: Sutra
retoid: Making the stencil
retoid: IMG_2598
retoid: Clear coated
retoid: IMG_2914
retoid: High gloss clear coat
retoid: IMG_2910
retoid: IMG_2908
retoid: IMG_2907
retoid: fancy water spilled on concrete floor background
retoid: Finished