JD and Beastlet: Craftsman no. 4319 Cotter Pin Puller - 01
JD and Beastlet: Craftsman no. 4319 Cotter Pin Puller - 02
JD and Beastlet: Craftsman no. 4319 Cotter Pin Puller - 03
JD and Beastlet: Filed notch from another job
JD and Beastlet: Gap between end cap tab and weather strip
JD and Beastlet: Tool inserted into gap
JD and Beastlet: Tool rotated forward
JD and Beastlet: Tab pried down
JD and Beastlet: Off comes the end cap
JD and Beastlet: End cap engagement tab
JD and Beastlet: End cap engagement slot
JD and Beastlet: A bent coathanger wire works just as well