JD and Beastlet: Not NGK CM-6 plugs
JD and Beastlet: Where it's going
JD and Beastlet: 60mm x 48mm exactly
JD and Beastlet: The RCGF 30cc twin is here
JD and Beastlet: Block length - 73mm
JD and Beastlet: Mounting spacers
JD and Beastlet: Spacers shaped
JD and Beastlet: Drilling the mounting holes
JD and Beastlet: Mounting holes started
JD and Beastlet: Clamped to finish drilling the mounting holes
JD and Beastlet: Long 3-16 in bit
JD and Beastlet: Mounting blocks - 211g
JD and Beastlet: Mounting holes from back
JD and Beastlet: 5mm threaded rod through mounting plate, spacers
JD and Beastlet: 5mm rod test fit
JD and Beastlet: Holes drilled
JD and Beastlet: Drilling template in place
JD and Beastlet: Centre line marked
JD and Beastlet: Spacer depth - 92mm (engine + spacers = 200mm)
JD and Beastlet: Thrust washer to back plate - 108mm
JD and Beastlet: Measuring from thrust washer to back plate
JD and Beastlet: Engine weight, all in - 1194g
JD and Beastlet: RCGF 30cc twin on mounting template
JD and Beastlet: Mounting bolt lengths (+1 mm for foward washer)
JD and Beastlet: Pockmarked rear of firewall
JD and Beastlet: Firewall first coat
JD and Beastlet: Engine mount block first coat
JD and Beastlet: Paint open
JD and Beastlet: Engine mount block - gaps filled
JD and Beastlet: Engine mount block - sanding done