JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 unboxing - 02
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 unboxing - 01
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 unboxing - 04
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 unboxing - 05
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 unboxing - 06
JD and Beastlet: Port elevator servo removed*
JD and Beastlet: Enlarging the servo bay for the HS-5625MG
JD and Beastlet: Servo bay enlarged*
JD and Beastlet: Back bracing added to support new mounting point (old point removed)
JD and Beastlet: Front structure added
JD and Beastlet: Old forward holes drilled out for plugging
JD and Beastlet: Old forward holes plugged, new mounting point installed
JD and Beastlet: Bamboo skewers to plug holes
JD and Beastlet: Ready for the HS-5625MG single elevator servo*
JD and Beastlet: HS-5625MG elevator servo in place
JD and Beastlet: HS-5625MG - screw holes marked
JD and Beastlet: HS-5625MG elevator servo installed
JD and Beastlet: HS-5625MG elevator servo linkage installed
JD and Beastlet: Elevator solder 4-40 solder link
JD and Beastlet: Fishing wire
JD and Beastlet: Pull string fished
JD and Beastlet: Pull string tied to elevator servo connector
JD and Beastlet: Servo tester plugged in
JD and Beastlet: A crappy patch job - the whole airplane will need doing sooner or later!
JD and Beastlet: Elevator servo install complete
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 installed - closer
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 installed - pins down, mini-ports forward
JD and Beastlet: HS-5625MG installed and connected - operation video
JD and Beastlet: Aura 8 - PWM diagram
JD and Beastlet: Trying the external cord