JD and Beastlet: 20151005_192214
JD and Beastlet: The light
JD and Beastlet: The battery
JD and Beastlet: The body
JD and Beastlet: Emily has cut the battery wires(*)
JD and Beastlet: light exension wires out of the connector
JD and Beastlet: Emily expands some heat shrink
JD and Beastlet: Emily pulls the heat shrink over the signal wire(*)
JD and Beastlet: Emily holds the connector, Daddy's on the heat gun
JD and Beastlet: Emily cuts the terminals off the light extension
JD and Beastlet: Emily strips the wire extension leads
JD and Beastlet: Emily has stripped the leads
JD and Beastlet: Emily slides heat shink over the leads
JD and Beastlet: Set to solder
JD and Beastlet: All soldered and shrunk
JD and Beastlet: A test - it works!
JD and Beastlet: Emily starts the hole for the light
JD and Beastlet: The hole is done!
JD and Beastlet: The hole is shaped with a rotary tool
JD and Beastlet: Emily makes the final connections
JD and Beastlet: All together and working!
JD and Beastlet: Emily trims a wire tie end
JD and Beastlet: Emily trims another wire tie end
JD and Beastlet: Emily peels the backing off the velcro
JD and Beastlet: Emily attaches the Velcro
JD and Beastlet: Emily plugs in the light
JD and Beastlet: Emily is ready to take Ruby for a test run
JD and Beastlet: The inner workings