JD and Beastlet: Ready for takeoff
JD and Beastlet: Spinning up
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 01
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 02
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 03
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 04
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 05
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 06
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 07
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 10
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 11
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 12
JD and Beastlet: Flying - 13
JD and Beastlet: Making waves
JD and Beastlet: Handle clamp
JD and Beastlet: Tape ready for handle part clamping
JD and Beastlet: N-struts in handle
JD and Beastlet: Glued and clamped
JD and Beastlet: PVA on the parts
JD and Beastlet: 4-40 blind nuts for carry handle
JD and Beastlet: Handle ends clamped on
JD and Beastlet: Bolted for laminating
JD and Beastlet: clamped for drilling
JD and Beastlet: Fasteners for gluing clamps
JD and Beastlet: Carry handle parts
JD and Beastlet: N-struts off
JD and Beastlet: 20170208_051034