JD and Beastlet: Operative fuel dot
JD and Beastlet: New parts - Fiji water bottle cap
JD and Beastlet: New parts - Single barb vent
JD and Beastlet: New parts - Fuel line clips
JD and Beastlet: New parts - Fuel tees
JD and Beastlet: Points between tenons marked
JD and Beastlet: Guide holes inserted
JD and Beastlet: Bamboo skewers
JD and Beastlet: Skewer diameter - 7-64 in
JD and Beastlet: The canister tunnel from the back
JD and Beastlet: Another look at the smoke line
JD and Beastlet: Exhaust line mystery solved
JD and Beastlet: Gas tank plumbing - 2-line system
JD and Beastlet: Two-line gas engine setup
JD and Beastlet: Three line gas tank setup
JD and Beastlet: New part - fuel filter
JD and Beastlet: Fuel filter components
JD and Beastlet: McFueler before polishing
JD and Beastlet: McFueler and Mothers
JD and Beastlet: McFueler after polishing
JD and Beastlet: Enlarged fuel dot hole for McFueler
JD and Beastlet: Dremel with small drum sander
JD and Beastlet: McFueler in place
JD and Beastlet: McFueler screw holes marked
JD and Beastlet: Pin vise for hole drilling
JD and Beastlet: Holes drilled
JD and Beastlet: Screws in
JD and Beastlet: From a distance
JD and Beastlet: New inline fuel filter