JD and Beastlet: Dell 250W power supply, pinout diagram and parts
JD and Beastlet: Dell pinouts
JD and Beastlet: Banana plugs and jacks
JD and Beastlet: Resistors and switch
JD and Beastlet: Severed Molex connector
JD and Beastlet: Switch with LED
JD and Beastlet: Layout for the banana jack holes
JD and Beastlet: Ready to mark the holes
JD and Beastlet: Holes drilled
JD and Beastlet: Capping the unused wires
JD and Beastlet: Switch cutout marked
JD and Beastlet: A little reinforcement for mounting in the vise
JD and Beastlet: Ready to cut
JD and Beastlet: Here comes the rotary tool
JD and Beastlet: Almost forgot the face protection
JD and Beastlet: Partially cut
JD and Beastlet: The 12V positive and ground wires for the banana jacks
JD and Beastlet: The power on signal wire and ground for the switch
JD and Beastlet: The 12V and ground for the switch LED
JD and Beastlet: Soldering together for more power
JD and Beastlet: 12V positive x 2, ground x 2
JD and Beastlet: Banana jack connectors soldered and insulated
JD and Beastlet: Banana jacks all connected
JD and Beastlet: Switch LED wired (resistor hidden by heat shrink)
JD and Beastlet: Switch power wired
JD and Beastlet: Switch installed
JD and Beastlet: A last look at the inside
JD and Beastlet: Fired up
JD and Beastlet: 11.77V on the left jacks