Serialforeigner: Hard at work on the train to Barcelona!
Serialforeigner: Clouds and mountains
Serialforeigner: The door to our apartment in Barcelona
Serialforeigner: Back view
Serialforeigner: The street outside the apartment
Serialforeigner: Local Library
Serialforeigner: Urban Gardens in Barcelona
Serialforeigner: Dining room
Serialforeigner: Narrow streets
Serialforeigner: IMG_0971
Serialforeigner: Parks and Gardens
Serialforeigner: Japanese Style on Las Ramblas
Serialforeigner: Parasols from books
Serialforeigner: Latest Gaming Hardware
Serialforeigner: Themed movies for the event
Serialforeigner: Books and parasols again
Serialforeigner: IMG_0982
Serialforeigner: IMG_0984
Serialforeigner: Placa de Salvador Sigui
Serialforeigner: IMG_0989
Serialforeigner: Japanese Style on Las Ramblas
Serialforeigner: Las Ramblas
Serialforeigner: Catalan Flag
Serialforeigner: Japanese Style on Las Ramblas
Serialforeigner: Ajuntamiento de Barcelona
Serialforeigner: Statuary
Serialforeigner: IMG_0996
Serialforeigner: Iron and Flowers