repowers: Michael Reese Main
repowers: Baumgarten Pavilion
repowers: Pfaelzer Park
repowers: Sculpture
repowers: Reese Main detail
repowers: Through the archway
repowers: From the northwest
repowers: Mandel Clinic detail
repowers: Dreyfus Research Labs tower
repowers: Florsheim Internes Residence Addition
repowers: Parker Park railings
repowers: Michael Reese Service League Power Plant
repowers: Michael Reese Hospital detail
repowers: The photographer in its natural habitat
repowers: This Was The Future
repowers: Pavillion and dumpster
repowers: Sealed
repowers: Something's missing!
repowers: Michael Reese Main entryway
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition
repowers: Michael Reese demolition