repowers: What I got, and what I should have gotten.
repowers: Bethlehem Lutheran Church
repowers: W. Florrissant, Hyde Park
repowers: Fraternal Building
repowers: North city church
repowers: North St. Louis gasometer
repowers: A work of art dies
repowers: Norwood Court
repowers: Norwood Court
repowers: Norwood Court
repowers: SKY BANK
repowers: Last survivor
repowers: Homer Phillips Hospital
repowers: mid-city house
repowers: Midtown
repowers: Fox Theater
repowers: Pulitzer/Contemporary
repowers: Fountain Park
repowers: Modernism!
repowers: School for the Deaf
repowers: WARNING!!
repowers: Famous-Barr Clayton, and some flowers.
repowers: Copa Villa entry sign
repowers: Copa Villa ranch house
repowers: South Side National Bank
repowers: Bohemian Hill
repowers: Bohemian Hill
repowers: Bohemian Hill
repowers: Bohemian Hill
repowers: Apartments at Delmar and Union