Renshin Bunce: Going up Hwy 101
Renshin Bunce: Walking around Downtown on Sunday Morning
Renshin Bunce: Unclear on the Concept
Renshin Bunce: Weed is Big in Eureka
Renshin Bunce: Overcast and Rain
Renshin Bunce: Fields, Trees, Sky
Renshin Bunce: Downtown
Renshin Bunce: Hmong Baptist Church - they were holding service and it smelled great
Renshin Bunce: My dear Gene Bush
Renshin Bunce: Happy me
Renshin Bunce: Really giant tree stump
Renshin Bunce: And the sky
Renshin Bunce: The sky
Renshin Bunce: The sky
Renshin Bunce: The road into a salt marsh
Renshin Bunce: The salt marsh
Renshin Bunce: Driving home
Renshin Bunce: I am going back to this huge rock covered with vegetation with my good camera