Renshin Bunce: Abbot Shoken Winecoff
Renshin Bunce: Buddha Hall
Renshin Bunce: Buddha Hall altar
Renshin Bunce: Zendo altar
Renshin Bunce: Zendo altar
Renshin Bunce: View from my seat in the Zendo
Renshin Bunce: Zendo cubicles
Renshin Bunce: Zendo
Renshin Bunce: Rosemary Taylor
Renshin Bunce: Eido and Joen Snyder O'Neal
Renshin Bunce: Shoken in the dining room
Renshin Bunce: Rakusus outside of the kitchen
Renshin Bunce: Ordination altar
Renshin Bunce: Eido dressed up for the ceremony
Renshin Bunce: Diligent Zen Student wipes a smudge off the glass door
Renshin Bunce: The path to the peace pole and cemetery
Renshin Bunce: Eido demonstrates Farmer Zen