Renshin Bunce:
Robert arrives, ready to have his head shaved leaving only the tuft on top that will be shaved during the ceremony
Renshin Bunce:
Chanting before head shaving
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Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Suzuki roshi was there
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Susan the ino and Kathy the tanto confer with Katharine the teacher
Renshin Bunce:
The procession begins
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Katharine is seated and waiting
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Kathy Whilden brings Robert into the zendo
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Teacher and student
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Final head shaving
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Putting on the okesa
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Renshin Bunce:
Teacher and student
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Katharine noted that his okesa was on inside out and fixed it
Renshin Bunce:
Gene noted a tuft of hair that needed shaving
Renshin Bunce:
New Priest with his wife and daughter
Renshin Bunce: