Renshin Bunce:
Vicki leads the ordinees from the zendo
Renshin Bunce:
Lineage Papers
Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Ceremonial Table
Renshin Bunce:
The Ino Lights the Incense
Renshin Bunce:
The Doan Settles
Renshin Bunce:
The Preceptors Arrive
Renshin Bunce:
Entering the Buddha Hall
Renshin Bunce:
Beginning the Ceremony
Renshin Bunce:
The Robe Chant
Renshin Bunce:
Wearing their rakusus for the first time
Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Final Bows
Renshin Bunce:
The final bow in the hallway
Renshin Bunce:
Preceptors and Ordainees
Renshin Bunce:
January 2010
Renshin Bunce:
Michael and Doug
Renshin Bunce:
Blanche and Kate
Renshin Bunce:
Doug shows me his rakusu
Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Husband and wife
Renshin Bunce:
Blanche and her lined 21 jo rain stitch okesa
Renshin Bunce:
Kate and her rakusu
Renshin Bunce:
Doug and his mom