Renshin Bunce:
Snow on the ground at Jamesburg
Renshin Bunce:
Former Shusos waiting for the stage in
Renshin Bunce:
Stay out!
Renshin Bunce:
We love our Suburbans
Renshin Bunce:
Winter Wonderland 1
Renshin Bunce:
Tova takes a picture, Taiyo makes a snowball
Renshin Bunce:
Taiyo driving - we begin to see the fire damage
Renshin Bunce:
Anna records, Robert looks
Renshin Bunce:
A burned out wilderness covered with snow
Renshin Bunce:
Fire Damage
Renshin Bunce:
Fire Damage
Renshin Bunce:
Scary construction on the road
Renshin Bunce:
Arriving at Tassajara
Renshin Bunce:
Former Shusos Present Incense on Arrival
Renshin Bunce:
Zendo Set up for Ceremony
Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Inside Tassajara - The birdhouse is gone
Renshin Bunce:
Sandbags laid in the fall to protect Tassajara from floods
Renshin Bunce:
Sandbags on the creek side of main street
Renshin Bunce:
Sandbags along Cabarga Creek
Renshin Bunce:
More sandbags, the old bathhouse bathroom
Renshin Bunce:
And yet more
Renshin Bunce:
Jikidos still light the lanterns
Renshin Bunce:
Former Shusos in the courtyard, waiting for something to happen
Renshin Bunce:
Gita, happy
Renshin Bunce:
Anja stuff at the coffee/tea area
Renshin Bunce:
Lucy, doan
Renshin Bunce:
Renshin Bunce:
Abbot and Shuso