Rense Haveman:
SIM March 1st -Zelfportret
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 2nd - Rule of Thirds
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 3rd - Heaven and Earth
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 4th - Cottage against a dark winter sky
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 5th - And another Daisy
Rense Haveman:
March 7th - Crocus chrysanthus
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 6th - I need coffee!
Rense Haveman:
March 8th - Another Crocus
Rense Haveman:
March 8th - Crocus vernus
Rense Haveman:
March 8th - Crocus vernus
Rense Haveman:
March 8th - Crocus vernus
Rense Haveman:
March 8th - Crocus vernus
Rense Haveman:
Rense Haveman:
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 11th - Commuting
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 12th - Microworlds
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 13th - Not all Friday the 13ths bring bad luck...
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 17th - Crow in the Morning Mist [Explored]
Rense Haveman:
SIM March 21nd - Chocolate Still-Life