laurenlemon: 135/365 May 15, 2009
laurenlemon: Cap? Check. Coffee? CHECK!
laurenlemon: Ran into this little guy on my way to graduate.
laurenlemon: When you have no mirror, cameras work just fine.
laurenlemon: This is what it looks like on graduation morning.
laurenlemon: My mom was so excited to see me walk in.
laurenlemon: The guy next to me seriously got SHAT on.
laurenlemon: Kelsey and I - Liberal Arts friends!!
laurenlemon: Basically all I saw the whole time.
laurenlemon: Well, I did it.
laurenlemon: About to walk on stage...
laurenlemon: Peter Goin, professor of photography.
laurenlemon: 136/365 May 16, 2009
laurenlemon: Now what?
laurenlemon: The turning of the tassle.
laurenlemon: Caitlin the Photog!
laurenlemon: Proud Father.
laurenlemon: Proud Mother.
laurenlemon: Since we forgot to throw our caps during the ceremony,
laurenlemon: Graduation sneeze!
laurenlemon: JUMP officially graduated
laurenlemon: Cheers to the graduating class of 2009!
laurenlemon: She got two tassles,