reneusd: before
reneusd: after
reneusd: this pumpkin has a chance
reneusd: getting closer to the ground... remains to be seen if this one will go to me or to them (racoons/foxes/who knows)
reneusd: doing Roger Schnabel proud
reneusd: In honor of Roger Schnabel
reneusd: first potatoes (they are blue)
reneusd: all blue
reneusd: i think pictures of food in pots usually look gross, but i wanted to document my "all blue" potato soup
reneusd: watermelon!
reneusd: maybe this watermelon will make it after all!
reneusd: the one that might actually taste like a watermelon before it's too late
reneusd: I forgot that these were going to be yellow inside!
reneusd: dear flickr, this is a pumpkin
reneusd: why i am reluctant to name plants/animals after beloved people
reneusd: most likely acorn squash
reneusd: compost squash
reneusd: poor knee
reneusd: still changing all day long
reneusd: al (dad), taken by me, using my kodak disc camera
reneusd: after to the kodak disc before
reneusd: nice faces
reneusd: then this would be the after to the bearded before
reneusd: before/after
reneusd: liz's suggested "new look" for the 34yo me
reneusd: sans-stylus
reneusd: the power of flickr
reneusd: garden through window
reneusd: planted in april
reneusd: wow, huh?