Reneé Lawter: guys taking pictures of jeremy fishes car
Reneé Lawter: Brad and jeff drinking
Reneé Lawter: taking pictures of an old dodge
Reneé Lawter: night of wreckless abandon
Reneé Lawter: the golden gate bridge
Reneé Lawter: the bridge thru the back window
Reneé Lawter: the golden gate bridge
Reneé Lawter: the golden gate bridge
Reneé Lawter: View from above
Reneé Lawter: Jeff and Brad
Reneé Lawter: brad and jeff
Reneé Lawter: walking up the street...
Reneé Lawter: the fools
Reneé Lawter: ehh we are both wearing hats..
Reneé Lawter: IMG_0621