rg1968: Smoke stack in Lawrence, Ma
rg1968: DSCN0669a
rg1968: Train Bridge
rg1968: DSCN0671a
rg1968: DSCN0672a
rg1968: DSCN0673a
rg1968: Lawrence stone dam
rg1968: DSCN0676a
rg1968: DSCN0677a
rg1968: DSCN0678a
rg1968: Rocks at the bottom of the falls with a seagull looking for food
rg1968: DSCN0685a
rg1968: Merrimack River flowing over the falls bridge
rg1968: Stone dam in Lawrence, Mass
rg1968: The Falls
rg1968: Falls bridge
rg1968: Stone dam in Lawrence, Ma
rg1968: The falls Bridge
rg1968: DSCN0699a
rg1968: DSCN0700a
rg1968: DSCN0701a
rg1968: DSCN0702a
rg1968: DSCN0704a
rg1968: DSCN0705a