dolanh: sleepyhead lucas
dolanh: foggy morning
dolanh: tent city
dolanh: tent city 2
dolanh: ben orienting
dolanh: tent city 3
dolanh: not a morning kid
dolanh: breakfast at the mess hall
dolanh: logan gears up
dolanh: lucas is ready to roll
dolanh: final prep
dolanh: lucas on the strider
dolanh: we're ready to roll too
dolanh: start
dolanh: over the river
dolanh: over the river 2
dolanh: volunteer
dolanh: 35 M.P.H.
dolanh: country lane
dolanh: 20100717-P1030029
dolanh: headed for the hills
dolanh: farm country
dolanh: up up up the hill
dolanh: a bright sunshiny day
dolanh: a bright sunshiny day video
dolanh: first stop
dolanh: taking a breather
dolanh: get yer juice boxes right here
dolanh: nice place for a break
dolanh: lucas and the juice box