dolanh: elephant day
dolanh: lloy and maya
dolanh: rrhino boy
dolanh: team duckworth
dolanh: zooey is ready
dolanh: team duckworth 2
dolanh: giving "the elephant talk"
dolanh: anticipation
dolanh: here she comes
dolanh: hi everybody!
dolanh: elephant tricks
dolanh: elephant teeth
dolanh: 20100710-IMGP7504
dolanh: peanut time
dolanh: elephant petting
dolanh: yum carrots
dolanh: trunk
dolanh: monica feeds the elephant
dolanh: lucas gets a turn
dolanh: lucas pets the elephant
dolanh: lucas pets the elephant 2
dolanh: zooey gets a turn
dolanh: elephant closeup
dolanh: shawn pets the elephant
dolanh: nora pets the elephant
dolanh: more elephant feeding
dolanh: renee feeds the elephant
dolanh: devin feeds the elephant
dolanh: maya pets the elephant
dolanh: nice elephant