dolanh: the famous bug cake
dolanh: in all its glory
dolanh: like a moth to the light
dolanh: here it comes
dolanh: happy birthday to them
dolanh: debugging the cake
dolanh: a very special worm
dolanh: enjoying the cake
dolanh: eyeing ice cream
dolanh: one satisfied baby
dolanh: snake attack!
dolanh: jr astronaut
dolanh: ready for his mission
dolanh: another patch for his suit
dolanh: shuttle model
dolanh: mmmmm snake
dolanh: the birthday continues
dolanh: a present for ashle
dolanh: a present for ashle 2
dolanh: a hat for zooey
dolanh: she wears it well
dolanh: i spy
dolanh: commander lucas
dolanh: boat in a book
dolanh: still working on his smile
dolanh: not quite there yet
dolanh: future astronaut