dolanh: are we ready?
dolanh: the expedition starts
dolanh: your snowshoes look like mine
dolanh: smile everybody
dolanh: kurt's connection
dolanh: eager beaver
dolanh: onward and downward
dolanh: snow steppers
dolanh: out in front
dolanh: getting into the swing of it
dolanh: little snowshoer
dolanh: forest green
dolanh: snowy
dolanh: the party
dolanh: dwarfed by conifers
dolanh: snowshoe video
dolanh: snow fall
dolanh: thankfully waterproof
dolanh: fred and the red hat
dolanh: ashle with a borrowed coat
dolanh: flurry lite
dolanh: trooper
dolanh: reverse snow angel
dolanh: eating snow
dolanh: eating snow 2
dolanh: snow fencing
dolanh: majestic pines
dolanh: bough
dolanh: three armed
dolanh: beanie beacon