dolanh: frequent flyer
dolanh: baby on a plane
dolanh: stuffing his face
dolanh: mountains below us
dolanh: feeling peaky
dolanh: bye oregon for now
dolanh: spotty landscape
dolanh: tall palms
dolanh: so cal essence
dolanh: pool and house
dolanh: rockin' out with nonna
dolanh: just a boy and his horse
dolanh: song of the south
dolanh: the old oak tree
dolanh: flashing down the slide
dolanh: yogic move
dolanh: down we go
dolanh: lucas inspects the fountain
dolanh: scooter testing
dolanh: neat contraption
dolanh: like a kid in a toy store
dolanh: lights up and spins
dolanh: ojai avenue
dolanh: the table is set
dolanh: carving the turkey
dolanh: serving it up
dolanh: let's eat!
dolanh: two kinds of pie
dolanh: on to dessert
dolanh: who is leading who