dolanh: all aboard
dolanh: taking the tractor out to the fields
dolanh: sideways
dolanh: bumpy bumpy
dolanh: heading out
dolanh: dusty
dolanh: ashle and the sibilant
dolanh: flatbed ride
dolanh: fields of green
dolanh: country roads
dolanh: unload
dolanh: family picking
dolanh: lucas helps
dolanh: more arrive
dolanh: taste test
dolanh: bountiful
dolanh: lucas picks
dolanh: lucas picks 2
dolanh: lucas picks 3
dolanh: ?
dolanh: working the bushes
dolanh: proud little dude
dolanh: up close
dolanh: 20080615-IMGP5791
dolanh: ashle and berries
dolanh: the fields
dolanh: rows of green
dolanh: back on the tractor
dolanh: tuckered out
dolanh: bumpy ride back