dolanh: opening session
dolanh: opening session 2
dolanh: performance lab
dolanh: allan and marco
dolanh: marco and I
dolanh: allan desperately waving in front of the camera so I won't take his picture
dolanh: the escalators
dolanh: tangosol talk
dolanh: cameron purdy
dolanh: crowds
dolanh: crowds 2
dolanh: crowds 3
dolanh: ajaxian guys
dolanh: google suggest
dolanh: oracle domination
dolanh: bean bag theater
dolanh: stairhuggers
dolanh: you have been assimilated
dolanh: the entrance hall
dolanh: entrance hall 2
dolanh: beanbags up top
dolanh: bad cinema
dolanh: laptop horseshoe
dolanh: marco logs in
dolanh: go marco go
dolanh: smartcard
dolanh: a line out the building
dolanh: video shoot
dolanh: yours truly
dolanh: the work of 8 servers on 2 jvms