remysharp: Moved in!
remysharp: lands safely
remysharp: Chap lowering the sofa
remysharp: Julie catching the sofa
remysharp: Exit route for sofa
remysharp: Sofa ready for exit
remysharp: The old front room
remysharp: Our removals
remysharp: Wall of paint
remysharp: Culprit
remysharp: Bloody Graffiti
remysharp: Luminous
remysharp: Ladder fall
remysharp: Too many colours
remysharp: Giant blue slugs
remysharp: Blue!
remysharp: Yellow everywhere!
remysharp: Oh - yellow it is
remysharp: Breaking the seal
remysharp: New kitchen
remysharp: Int: view of garden
remysharp: How do you like your eggs
remysharp: Dive in the Winter
remysharp: Fish Pond
remysharp: Back Garden