remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: Some of the Audrey doll's accessories
remy/rogue: More accessories
remy/rogue: Another Audrey doll accessory: her pack of cigarettes
remy/rogue: The cigarette pack and loose cigarette
remy/rogue: A cup of joe and a pack of smokes at the Double R Diner
remy/rogue: The mask from One-Eyed Jack's
remy/rogue: With the card from One-Eyed Jack's
remy/rogue: Delivering her note to Special Agent Cooper
remy/rogue: Getting a cigarette
remy/rogue: Smoking
remy/rogue: With the mask
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: custom Twin Peaks doll: Audrey Horne
remy/rogue: "Isn't it too dreamy?"