RemyOmar: hello
RemyOmar: Fromia and Bali Star
RemyOmar: Ginormous Clam
RemyOmar: Pagoda Coral with Atlantic Blue Tang
RemyOmar: Gold Stripe Maroon Clown
RemyOmar: Scolymia Detail
RemyOmar: Fungia Detail
RemyOmar: sarcophyton (yellow leather) coral
RemyOmar: Euphyllia (Frogspawn) Coral
RemyOmar: Sargassum Trigger Fish
RemyOmar: Bubble Coral
RemyOmar: Dori and Company
RemyOmar: Hello
RemyOmar: where's my food?
RemyOmar: Giant Pacific Ocean Sunfish
RemyOmar: Outer Bay Exhibit Tank
RemyOmar: the jelly
RemyOmar: Hey, you're not our mom!
RemyOmar: Tubastrea
RemyOmar: Clown Trigger
RemyOmar: blenny
RemyOmar: the scorpion, the lion and the snake
RemyOmar: I see you
RemyOmar: Leimomi and Katrina