Jhascrapmom: above me
dooce: California sucks.
selmanphotos: On the Streets Again - Selfie
selmanphotos: View from the Street
selmanphotos: Hot Rod - Cool Shadows
selmanphotos: Alone yet not Alone
stash44: Sun Peek
Tree Family: how women suffer
Thorpeland: McDonald Falls
vrot01: yeah!! baby puppy dog!!!
dooce: My baby girl is home and heart is no longer in pieces.
espressoDOM: Hot Rod
dog ma: Going every which way...
blurb: HipstaPrint
dooce: Leta is on a road trip with my mother, stepfather and twin cousins to see Mt. Rushmore. Satan isn't really a part of my parenting vernacular so they are trying to explain to her what he is. The irony in this text is making my heart sing.
Jhascrapmom: she hates these shots
Bobobonehead (NiX): OUR SMILING PETRI DISH...
dooce: Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who has nurtured, fed, housed, mentored and put up with a child. We are a village.
blurb: Somebody is super happy about her birthday present. Her reaction was worth 300 of these. Ok. 3000.
blurb: From a Late Night Train
blurb: Auto painted #slowshutter
blurb: HipstaPrint