ricordito72: St. Jude
ricordito72: Vera Cruz
ricordito72: Relics of St. Roch, Frances of Rome and various martyrs
ricordito72: St. John Vianney second class relic
ricordito72: The document for the relics
ricordito72: St. Pancratius, Martyr
ricordito72: Close up of the Reliquary
ricordito72: The full view of the reliquary
ricordito72: St. Luis de Montfortrelic
ricordito72: St. Charles Lwanga, Martyr
ricordito72: St. Peregrine
ricordito72: St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr
ricordito72: True Cross relic
ricordito72: Relics in the silver case reliquary
ricordito72: Relics in the silver case reliquary
ricordito72: St. Anthony of Padua - Second Class relic
ricordito72: St. Catherine Laboure
ricordito72: Reliquary of St. Columba of Sens, Virgin and Martyr
ricordito72: Reliquary for martyrs
ricordito72: Document for the relic of St. Columba
ricordito72: Rib bone of St. Columba
ricordito72: Glass tube containing the relic of St. Columba
ricordito72: Antimensa
ricordito72: Veil of Veronica
ricordito72: St. Peregrin
ricordito72: IMG_1416
ricordito72: Reliquary Box
ricordito72: Frame 1
ricordito72: Frame 2
ricordito72: Frame 3