relaxintheair: Quand un conseiller national prend une photo, elle est floue et trop sombre... @hhiltpold #meak
relaxintheair: Sneak peek for the week-end #Cominmag @cominmag
relaxintheair: Upgrade against printing chaos #airprint #voila
relaxintheair: Business model fever par @vmarchand pour le @comin_mag
relaxintheair: Ecosystème de marque et #personas pour le @comin_mag #workshop
relaxintheair: Premier #workshop @comin_mag avec @vmarchand et @oliviercretton #digital
relaxintheair: Opening soon. L'Annexe in Carouge #workshop
relaxintheair: L'Annexe is ready #workshop
relaxintheair: Ce soir c'est #rdweb
relaxintheair: This is it. Reading for one single strategy. Done
relaxintheair: This how you're supposed to look when working on a strategy: cheerful
relaxintheair: It's time to get ready for shorter days and darker skies #CarolAnnenevapasdanslalumiere
relaxintheair: Then I told @sdufaux : "Take some notes"
relaxintheair: Matinée salon #bitoubi à Genève #B2B "Comment réussir sa communication"
relaxintheair: This is our japanese food court 1mn from the office. Wanna share a sushi someday?
relaxintheair: #Workshop personas. "Roger", public cible n°3 sur le grill #retail #digitalstrategy
relaxintheair: Strategy then civilization. Back to work. See you tomorrow
relaxintheair: Strategic retreat: Day 2. Perfect weather for innovative ideas (and #zombieapocalypse)
relaxintheair: Strategic retreat: Day 1 #innovation
relaxintheair: Starting our annual strategic retreat on the swiss Prealps #innovation #lean
relaxintheair: Alex McDowell @5Dcore developing narrative from the built world #masterclass #xmedialab #transmedia
relaxintheair: Martina Mara from @ArsElectronica about human-robots interactions #masterclass #xmedialab #transmedia
relaxintheair: @alexmcdowell from @5Dcore about Minority Report #xmedialab #transmedia
relaxintheair: #transmedia is about collaboration @Khenthusiasm #xmedialab
relaxintheair: Totally agree with the #ux point @fromthehip #xmedialab #transmedia
relaxintheair: Collaboration is hard. It's a different skill set @fromthehip #xmedialab #transmedia
relaxintheair: Today conference: @jeff_gomez about integrated #transmedia production #xmedialab
relaxintheair: Dernière ligne droite avant la mise online du nouveau site des @mahgeneve #QA
relaxintheair: About #gamification #richuserprofile and #networkeffect at #custfest... and #hashtags
relaxintheair: The greatest title job ever: Customer Experience Futurologist #soonologist #custfest @docnicola