Relax~Enjoy: Playing with Brother :)
Relax~Enjoy: Chasing the Cats light
Relax~Enjoy: So close to Calamity
Relax~Enjoy: Yee Haw
Relax~Enjoy: Baking Biscuits
Relax~Enjoy: Family 110
Relax~Enjoy: Let's share my cracker
Relax~Enjoy: Playing in the yard
Relax~Enjoy: Santa Visit
Relax~Enjoy: MVI_1099
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey's gotta dance!!!
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey Making Playdoh Chinese Noodles LOL
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey Making Playdoh Chinese Noodles LOL
Relax~Enjoy: Mitch goofing around
Relax~Enjoy: Stefanie Trying for a strike
Relax~Enjoy: Addison's turn to bowl
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey can bowl by herself
Relax~Enjoy: MVI_3265