Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey picking her pumpkin
Relax~Enjoy: Addison taking a rest
Relax~Enjoy: Sarah & McKenna
Relax~Enjoy: Mitch & Addison
Relax~Enjoy: Caution Aubrey
Relax~Enjoy: Hey or Hay
Relax~Enjoy: Farmer Addison
Relax~Enjoy: Scarecrow Addison
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey Following the Hay Wagon
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey & Mitch Picking out Pumpkins
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey still choosing
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey's not afraid to feed the cows
Relax~Enjoy: Feeding the cows
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey Feeding the cows
Relax~Enjoy: Addison and his friends :)
Relax~Enjoy: Mitch & Sarah.. These cows are hungry
Relax~Enjoy: Yeah!!! MOOO
Relax~Enjoy: McKenna Fedding the Cows
Relax~Enjoy: Just took it out of Aubreys hands
Relax~Enjoy: Stefanie & Aubrey on the way back
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey & Mitch at the petting zoo
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey running to the wagon ride
Relax~Enjoy: Playing that Game
Relax~Enjoy: Aubrey Playing
Relax~Enjoy: Pumpkin Kid